Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Sunday 14 October 2012

Bredonborough On this day in



On this day in 1914, St. Edith of the Valleys was born to Joe and Gladys Greene, their second Daughter. The first Daughter was Evelyn…


The Greene family of Aberbeeg I…










Sistery Person Patricia and myself visited the Greene family home at 80, Aberbeeg Road, in the mid-1970s I…




When Gladys moved into a nursing home a few years before, the terraced house, built by the Greene family of Father and six Sons, was sold for £1,000 or £2,000. The front wall shows the subsidence from the colliery beneath.

On the street for Minx reading…


Gentle reading…


… in the Home Study…


Feeling very emotional, even close to tears. Not sure why: this is not sadness. Put on Vaughan Williams Five Variations On Dives And Lazarus, and had to change to a mix of Baroque goodies, more emotionally robust of nature.

The Minx arrived home c. 02.30 and went to bed around 04.00. She brought home some goodies from Wynne’s Cakes of Stoke-on-Trent





And on the DGM Guestbook…

What About The 
:: Posted by Carnamagos on October 13, 2012
In the midst of all the UMG-bashing, I have a book proposal for anyone ambitious enough and competent to undertake it. 

We have more histories of progressive rock than we need, surely.

So, how about something related, but different: A history of how progressive music came to the major labels; the inside story of how, in the 1960’s and 1970’s, such music ever made it to the majors. 

For instance, who replied "yes", and why, when a band such as ELP walked in and said, "We’d really like to do an album that contains a twenty-minute conceptual piece about a hybrid armadillo in a tank who destroys various other bio-mechanical creatures, until it meets its match in the form of a human/lion/scorpion hybrid beast from Greek mythology. Oh, and the main theme is in 5/4 time." ?...

An important part of that book would need to address the particular managers responsible for those bands. EG managed KC and ELP (before Roxy Music followed in 1972) and the business-framework of ELP followed that set up for KC. That of Roxy Music diverged, perhaps because of the addition of Mr. SG Alder to the management partnership in the autumn of 1970.

suggestion for future item in The Shop
:: Posted by Undisciplined on October 11, 2012
During a visit to a small, local CD & DVD shop, something on the shelf caught immediate attention.  It was called David Sylvian & Robert Fripp Live in Japan 1993.  The price sticker was even a bit more shocking at $40… So...if there’s anything that could be put out legitimately, there’s a built-in customer base, right here.
Also, it may have been suggested before that there was some Sylvian/Fripp video of some sort available at one time…

Mr. Undiciplined overlooks one significant fact: the copyright in Sylvian-Fripp material is owned by Virgin; ie EMI; ie UMG. Because I wanted to work with David, I went within his contractual arrangement with Virgin. The contract may have suited David (or not) but was not a deal I would have accepted for myself. DGM / Panegryric / KC / RF is anexceptionally rare situation, perhaps unique, in that a catalogue of established music is owned by the artist/s, rather than management / publishing / record companies. Regular visitors to this Diary will appreciate this came at a price: 21 years of ongoing dispute with industrial characters.

There is nothing I can do to release Sylvian-Fripp from ownership by (now) UMG.

14.17    Making lunch for the Minx. The sun is shining after a misty morning.

Back to the Cellar.

16.12    Off for a MinxWalk down a country lane.

But, the story of the managers will not be told, at least not for some time: proceedings for libel would probably result.

20.05    And while passing our local pals, formerly of the haunted house across the Market Square and now residents of this village, we passed by and were invited in for supper with the family, including two grandsons and two daughters.

A fab, spontaneous social event of the natural kind, one that eluded me for decades while a travelling player.

